Earlier this month, I received a Vintage SnapOn Tool box to restore for a GarageJournal.com Forum Member, from Winnipeg. I myself have gotten a lot from being a member of GarageJournal,com and it was time to pay it forward....
Talk about rough! The box had been somewhere that rusted it something BAD. Also looks like the bottom was replaced and gas-welded without any cleanup being done after....
First operation - strip the paint -
Then I did some welding repairs to the front panel -
...and top panel...
The rustiest areas got EW's Rust Converter -
Lots of metal work followed....
Then some shrinking and stretching to get the top panel to lay flat -
Looks better!
Finally, I put a Self-Etch Primer...
Then a High-build primer -
Next week - PAINT!
Don't forget to check out my website at www.E-tekRestorations.com !