After a somewhat extended absence due to a little illness (mostly lazy-itis), we're back in the E-tek Shop making sweet sweet metal-magic! Follow along while we get this beautiful 56 International truck back to its glory days:
^ With the box out of the way, the frame and cab where cleaned up again and the paint, mud and dirt stripping continued. Only a couple small patches left and the cab will be ready for filler and paint prep.
One of these final rust spots was cut out, a cardboard template made to fit:and new metal made to replace it:....
^ Cardboard template
^ Cut, cut, cut...
^ Transferred to 18G sheet steel...
^ The same was done for an inner piece, just requiring a little
more finesse and metal shaping....
^ And with the inner piece inserted, the top piece is finalized to fit.
Back on the box, the back edges where metal-finished (no filler)
and the underside was welded together with the sides...
^ These holes had to go
^ And so they did. Note the partially metal-finished section on the left...
^The new floor will MAKE the truck!