March 4, 2015

Quarter-glass installation and adjustment

First up - clean and lubricate. The regulator and runner was cleaned up in the parts washer, dried well, then grease was brsuhed onto all the gears and moving parts.


When the runner first gets installed , the upper mounting screws have to be set at the boittom of the "#7" slots. This allows the regulator and glass to be installed more easily.

Youcan see the quarter glass plastic wheel on the centre runner. 
Once slotted in, the other wheels will catch and the glass will drop into place

With the glass and regulator installed, the mounting screws can be moved to the tops of the #7 slots. From there, the glass can be adjusted in/out by using a screw driver to run the mounting screws in or out.

Moving the adjusters will move the glass fore and aft, in and out, until the glass rolls up and sits evenly in the window surround rubber.


Keep moving the adjusters - and then roll up the glass, checking the glass placement in the slot and at the rubber seal, until it's all even.

It may take a while, but you'll get there if you're patient!